
This morning marks the beginning of a very busy schedule for me.

Today I “work from home” (actually I’m at Barron and Janelle’s home in Colton Washington). Tonight Barron, Janelle, and I go to Lewiston Idaho to have dinner with daughter Kimberly and Jacob. Then Barron and I go to Boomershoot Mecca to spend the night camping out under the stars and the trees. 3000 pounds of Ammonium Nitrate will be delivered at 0700 tomorrow. Barron and I then take off for Reno and Gun Blogger Rendezvous. Gun Blogger Rendezvous means sleep is optional until Saturday night when we will have to get a little shut eye before we drive back to the Seattle area.

Will we be seeing you at the Rendezvous?


5 thoughts on “Itinerary

  1. Joe, unfortunately I will not be able to make my first GBR. Surprisingly I cleared the waiting list for the Rockcastle Pro-Am at the last minute so August and September have (so far) seen me on the road too often during the weekends. And my teaching partner for the martial arts school I help with is on vacation for the next two weeks so I am covering all of those classes as well.

    I am sure that you and Barron will have an awesome time, and will tell us all about it.

  2. Wish I could, but this year I can’t make it. I’m hoping to make it in 2013. Meeting you, Kevin, KeeWee, Mr. Completely, and many others was a real hoot – the whole experience made for one of the best vacations I’ve taken thus far. Enjoy!

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