
Via a SAF Tweet.

Liberal Whoopi Goldberg Admits She’s a Member of the NRA:

GOLDBERG: But it is also, is it also, John, because those folks are saying, okay, here’s what I have in my house. I’m letting–the government says — I want you–I’m an NRA member, as you probably know or don’t know.

STOSSEL: You packing now?
GOLDBERG: You don’t want to find out.

I despise emulation of celebrities but I recognize it probably is hard-wired into the human brain. Therefore this is great news. Not only has she “come out of the closet” as a gun owner and NRA member but she is a black female who comes across as reasonably smart, rational, and likable. This makes it more difficult for the anti-gun people to make their usual claims about gun owners being stupid/ignorant/insurrectionist racist white males.


9 thoughts on “Winning

  1. It’s the NRA part that got me, not the gun ownership part. Unless she assumes the two are the same thing. I’ll own a dog, but won’t join the ASPCA. I may be over 55 but I won’t join the AARP.

  2. Whoopie:
    Well-known? Yuppers.
    Likable? Can be when she want’s to be, but to often she’s in attack-harpy mode.
    Intelligent? Yes, definitely.
    Rational? Debatable.

    Having her openly and outspokenly in the pro-gun camp would be great, especially if it prompted a slow conversion toward more libertarian / conservative views being openly espoused. But I won’t hold my breath.

  3. *gag*

    Of all the liberals I don’t want on my team, one who defends rapists is high on the list.

  4. Whoopie:
    Well-known? Yuppers.
    Likable? Can be when she want’s to be, but to often she’s in attack-harpy mode.
    Intelligent? Yes, definitely.
    Rational? Debatable.

    …Articulate? Not so much.

  5. I think this means you guys have to take Whoopi on your side. Now that’s what I call winning. Maybe she could become some kind of spokesperson, she’s so eloquent.

  6. I am thinking I heard that Ginny Simone blew this story up by mentioning that the NRA has no record of Whoopi being a member of the NRA. Maybe Goldberg is like the other 10 million + people who think they are members as they paid their 25 dollars back in 1985, 19995, or 2005.

    Did she not think the NRA would look her up?

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