Quote of the day – Dennis Prager

This might mess up Joe’s auto QOTD super system and crash his server, but here goes;

“I prefer clarity to agreement” – Dennis Prager

I love that quote, and he uses some version of it often on his radio show.  It is in contrast with the usual method of obfuscation for the purpose of recruiting to one’s cause.  Understanding, the prerequisite to true agreement or true disagreement, can only come out of clarity.  It is required for any positive, productive communication in any subject.  I don’t know if Prager has said it as such, but clarity is pure poison to the left.



As such, our mission is easy, no?  If I had to name one thing, the lack of which is resulting in the most problems in our society, it would be clarity.  Not energy, not oil, not honesty, not contraception, not redistributed money, not even liberty, but clarity, because without it we don’t have any of those other things.  We’re paralyzed.

Think how refreshing it would be to hear true clarity on a regular basis.  “Honesty” could be substituted in many cases, but it’s different from clarity in that some people don’t actually know what they think– Their thinking process has been retarded through obfuscation.  Clarity must some first, then, before honesty (or the lack thereof) can become an issue.  Glen Beck oft repeats a variation on it; “Say what you mean and mean what you say”.

No doublt, if some politician ever reads this, he’ll be asking his campaign advisors how he can best appear to be saying what he means and meaning what he says, ’cause he heard it was popular with those idiots in flyover country.


2 thoughts on “Quote of the day – Dennis Prager

  1. In a rather similar vein, Margaret Thatcher said “Consensus is a lack of leadership.”

  2. Was it General Patton who said “if everyone is thinking the same, someone isn’t thinking”?

    The other quote that comes to mind is some variation of “The secret to success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you’ve got it made.” Jean Girardoux, a French diplomat, dramatist and novelist, 1882-1944 (And that’s part of the trouble with the French. How often does hiring a novelist as a diplomat work out?).

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