Interesting hypothesis

The following is in the comments from Ken. I thought it deserved a lot more visibility.

The reason that anti-gun fanatics always associate guns with sex is this: for them, gun control is a sexual strategy. In a gun-controlled state (whether a “state” like Red China or a “state” like New York State), alpha males–consisting solely of violent thugs, policemen, and men who are rich enough to afford private security–are completely dominant, and typically have two or three women each. Since these alpha males consist of perhaps 10% of the population, 90% of the males are competing on roughly even terms for 75% of the women. For the typical beta male, that is, the average working stiff who is not a coward but has neither the time to become a good fighter nor the money to hire others to fight for him, this is a very bad deal.

However, for the perhaps 20% of males who are omega males–natural cowards–this is actually a good strategy. When no man can stand up to the thugs, the distinction between beta males and omega males is eliminated. For someone like “Jscottfur,” this means that his chance of being with a woman rises to 75 out of 90, whereas in an armed society, he’d have as much chance of getting laid as Joan Peterson has of being elected NRA president.

Basically, the sexual aspect of a gun that scares Jscottfur isn’t that it’s a substitute penis. Rather, it’s a substitute fist. It reduces the difference between alpha and beta males, while exposing omega males like him as the cowards they are.

This is consistent with an observation I have made a couple times before. Men who support gun control look and act like sheep.

Even “Acting President” (the “alpha” of the entire Brady Campaign organization) Dennis Henigan has the look of an “omega male”.


13 thoughts on “Interesting hypothesis

  1. I think it’s simpler and baser than that – attacking someone’s manhood is a cheap and easy shot for them to take.

  2. Also its been noted that the anti-gun field is flushed with aging baby boomers, while the gun rights field is flush with good representation from all ages, genders, and races as the movement expands.

  3. It also likely has to do in part with the ass kissing & power seeking strategy. The leading alpha male, the head honcho politician, holds the power that has so much influence on the tribe/herd. Being submissive to his authority and being conformist to the tribe/herd standard are survival strategies for the weak.

    People should grow beyond these primitive animal levels of existence and become human beings.

  4. Dude! THAT’s Henigan?? Why are we even fighting munchkins??
    Reminds me of a song:
    Hitler had only one left ball,
    Göring had two but were small,
    Himmler, was somethin’ similar,
    And Goebbels had no balls at all…

  5. Are you sure that is a good theory? Because that might imply that guns make us stronger, or are used as fists in dominance battles or something. I don’t believe that’s the case. Or at least it isn’t for me. 🙂

    Or is that argument supposedly from their frame of mind? It certainly doesn’t resonate with me at all.

  6. Tim,
    This has to do with instinct and offspring allocation. We don’t get into dominance battles because there is no need. Females search for a mate that can protect and provide for their offspring. Interestingly even females that cheat will find a stable provider/protector and cheat to get offspring from a stronger alpha.

    What is being said here is there are three classes. Alpha and Betas who under the current system are actually equal. A Beta male can defeat an Alpha male in combat, they are principally the same when looking for a mate. The third class however, Omegas, are completely outcast. They do not have the ability to attract a mate because they lack the will and ability to protect their offspring.

    Gun control means that the Beta becomes as weak as the Omega and end up in the same pool. The Alpha being politically exempt keeps their firearms and retains their ability to attract mates just the same. The Beta though is now as defenseless and weak as the Omega. This makes the Omega’s reproduction pool expand to include the Beta’s pool.

    This is about mate selection, not people going and killing each other for no reason.

  7. The whole theory sounds like an exercise in academic wanking. If it was correct, then explain why so many anti-gun females like to make the penis-substitution argument, about everything from pistols to four-wheel-drive vehicles. Why do so many uber-environmentalists make the same connection between SUVs and genitalia?

    Like Aaron said, it’s the most base cheap shot they think they can make in public. Does Ken really think that strident anti-gun females are being “collected” by virile, gun-owning Beta males? They travel in different circles entirely.

    And I’m not defending Henigan in any way, but making fun of his photo is no better then him (or his followers) making fun of your Willie. I’ve seen plenty of overweight, dorky looking techno-dweebs at the range as well (and I seriously doubt that they are getting laid on a regular basis either.)

  8. @Defens, To a certain extent I agree with you and posted the “academic wanking” mostly for amusement purposes. But I think you are overreaching a bit. Ken and I specifically said it may be applicable to some men. Different people have different motivations for the same behavior.

    And even if the hypothesis were true it doesn’t follow that all idealogical opponents of the anti-gun Omega male are Beta males with good prospects of sexual access to females.

    I do not see what I said of Henigan photo as being “making fun” of it. I was merely pointing out that his appearance (and videos of him I have seen) are consistent with the stated hypothesis. His Caspar Milquetoast appearance and mannerism are completely different from that of any successful organization top executive that I can think of. I find that worthy of note and not merely making fun of or name calling.

  9. Ken has to be a gunnie to think this: “alpha males–consisting solely of violent thugs, policemen, and men who are rich enough to afford private security”

    As a woman, I would say that Alpha males are those who are wealthy, athletic, good looking and smart — and make up less than 1% of the population. Behind them, there would be the “sub-Alpha” males who have three out of four of those traits. “Lesser sub-Alpha” males have two out of four of those traits, and Beta males would only possess one of those traits.

    Then you hit the Omega males.

    Because women are attracted to Alpha, sub-Alpha, Lesser sub-Alpha and Beta males, they presumably make better mates and possess larger penises than Omega males do.

    You know, I have yet to see a really handsome gunnie. Does one exist? Who is the Brad Pitt of the gun community

  10. “You know, I have yet to see a really handsome gunnie.”

    And I have yet to see a really handsome gun-banner.

    This is probably because you meet regular people in Real Life, and handsome people (or beautiful ones, for that matter), exist only in Hollywood. Brad Pitt is “handsome” because, whether you see him on the Big Screen, or meet him in Real Life, chances are, you meet him after the make-up guys get to him. You never get to see him drunk in a bar after twelve hours of filming, nor in the morning sleeping off a hangover. When he gets sick, you don’t get to see him in the hospital bed with an IV and a tube coming out of his nose, after sitting two days in a bed without a chance to have a shower.

    When I first started college, I was surprised by how “nerdy” and “ordinary” everyone looked–and this, despite going to an Elite Private College! I quickly realized that my image was heavily influenced by Hollywood, and as such, was deeply flawed.

  11. “You know, I have yet to see a really handsome gunnie.”

    And I have yet to see a really handsome gun-banner.

    This is probably because you meet regular people in Real Life, and handsome people (or beautiful ones, for that matter), exist only in Hollywood. Brad Pitt is “handsome” because, whether you see him on the Big Screen, or meet him in Real Life, chances are, you meet him after the make-up guys get to him. You never get to see him drunk in a bar after twelve hours of filming, nor in the morning sleeping off a hangover. When he gets sick, you don’t get to see him in the hospital bed with an IV and a tube coming out of his nose, after sitting two days in a bed without a chance to have a shower.

    When I first started college, I was surprised by how “nerdy” and “ordinary” everyone looked–and this, despite going to an Elite Private College! I quickly realized that my image was heavily influenced by Hollywood, and as such, was deeply flawed.

  12. The whole “alpha, beta, omega” BS is so much debunked “PUA/venusian arts/Game” wankery based on a discredited study of captive wolves living in unnatural non-family groups.

    The minute I hear “alpha/beta/omega” stuff coming in a conversation, everything after that just goes to Charlie Brown’s Teacher’s voice. We might as well discuss phrenology or homeopathy.

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