Quote of the day—Joe Walsh

I challenge you to debate the Second Amendment in my district in front of real Americans in the heartland, not Washington D.C. insiders. Unless, of course, you have no interest in hearing what real Americans have to say.

Joe Walsh
U.S. Representative from Illinois
December 2, 2011
Letter to Dennis Henigan, Acting President, The Brady Campaign.
[Henigan wants to have the debate in D.C.. Walsh says it should be in his Congressional district.

Henigan didn’t care what the U.S. Constitution said about guns so of course he has no interest in what real Americans have to say about guns. People are even less relevant than the Constitution to his type. Plus being outnumbered 100:1 by a bunch of gun owners would probably require too many layers of Depends.

Sebastian has more thoughts on the debate about the (no) debate.—Joe]


One thought on “Quote of the day—Joe Walsh

  1. “Unless, of course, you have no interest in hearing what real Americans have to say.”
    That’s the problem of course. Real Americans are the enemny. Why would they want to debate the enemy? Did FDR ask Hitler or Hito for a debate? Did GW Bush call for a debate with OBL?

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