Three out of five

I just found out another one of my former co-workers at Microsoft is leaving because of our insane boss. Sometime next week is his last day.

That will make three out of five people on our team who have quit the company because of him. The three most senior people.

It’s rough on those of us leaving but perhaps the message will eventually sink in to his boss that we all tried to tell that this guy was virtually impossible to work for.

When I had my last conversation with my skip level manager about my boss he asked me, “What do you really feel about him? Do you think you can work with him?” I told him, “I feel complete contempt for him. I cannot and will not work for him any longer than I have to.” His response was, “It’s good to have clarity.”

That sealed it for me. Both of those guys should have been given jobs scrubbing toilets at minimum wage.


4 thoughts on “Three out of five

  1. “I told him, “I feel complete contempt for him. I cannot and will not work for him any longer than I have to.” His response was, “It’s good to have clarity.”

    Apart from the peanuts Mrs. Lincoln how did you enjoy the brownies?

  2. Things won’t change for those two until they can’t hire replacements that they can portray to their bosses as good or better for the company than those who left the team…and so long as the they can still meet their timeline commitments for their projects. Too many replaceable parts in the IT world me thinks. Not enough pain for the company when you left.

  3. If I held with the “not really their fault” theory of the world I would not suspect that those two managers are from some school of thought that it isn’t their fault – if those old cliques can’t work with modern managers. I still haven’t forgiven the MBAs from ruining Commodore Amiga. It was always more than a game machine.

  4. Something very malevolent has been happening to Microsoft’s already less than stellar management practices.

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