Quote of the day—Lyle Keeney

Victimhood is cherished by the left. As one of their media of exchange it is like gold to them. It is one of the highest forms of existence, for which they all long, to which they all aspire, and which they would have us all attain at their hands as payment in kind.

Lyle Keeney
November 21, 2010
Comment to Quote of the day—Kurt Hofmann
[This is in regards to Virginia Tech gun control victim Colin Goddard representing the Brady Campaign.—Joe]


12 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Lyle Keeney

  1. That is crap, Joe. Nobody’s got victimhood down like you guys. You are the ones who day-dream about fighting against overwhelming odds when the government comes for your guns. Your famous “from my cold dead hands” encapsulates the concept perfectly. What is greater victimhood than bravely resisting to the death.

    Of course these are just fantasies. Most of you would turn over your guns without a fight if it came to that, but it won’t, that’s the point.

    So keep dreaming your dreams of what I call “grandiose victimism,” and keep finding those quotes that attribute what you yourselves do to the others.

  2. Mike,

    There are two classes of people: the armed and the victims. Some of us would do that, sure, but others will appear to comply by handing over a cheap Mosin, a rusted-out shotgun, and a .22 while burying the rest of their collection. Still others will say “to hell with it” and go down in a blaze of glory, whereas still others will band together and fight back. Even the threepers don’t really know which of those paths they will take when it gets serious, none of us do.

  3. Here’s something for your weak brain to chew on, Mikey: don’t forget that we did have a crisis in the late Clinton years, in which it looked like we were very close to the kind of choice you’re talking about. The Clinton gang was going full-tilt on the gun control agenda, and actually suing gun manufacturers in order to force that agenda through, sans legislation. Off the record, Clinton’s underlings were quite blunt about the fact that they intended to pave the way for confiscation in the near future, and their Hollywood allies like Rosie O’Donnell and Michael Douglas were preparing the general public for such an eventuality.

    Polls showed rising support for all forms of gun control, and the trolls like you were openly fantasizing, on message boards, about nationwide Waco-type raids that would kill thousands or millions of gun owners. (And you wonder why we hate you). Many gun owners were running hypotheticals about just where they would draw the line, and were speculating as to how many gun owners would fight and how many of them would surrender their weapons. Things seemed to be over for gun owners when Smith and Wesson buckled under to the Clinton and other lawsuits and agreed to a comprehensive gun control regime to be applied not only to their sales, but to the sales of all other companies that did business with them. To make matters worse, that Bellesiles novel (wording intentional) came out claiming that guns had been practically unknown in the U.S. before the Civil War.

    Well, Mikey little boy, it turned out that we were clever enough neither to be sucked into the Scylla of fighting against our own government, nor into the Charybdis of surrender. No, we undermined your side without a physical fight, nor even much of a political one. First, we boycotted S&W until their owners sold them for a small fraction of their previous stock price. This stiffened the spines of the other manufacturers, so that the lawsuits fell flat. Second, Clayton Cramer and others aggressively questioned the “facts” behind the Bellesiles novel, and showed that he had lied about virtually everything.

    Although the 2000 election was unbelievably close, polls showed that Albert Gore, Jr., lost several states due to the gun issue that he would have won otherwise, and won none due to that issue. (Even in dark-blue states, pollsters established that the gun issue wasn’t much help to Democrats, and was often a liability even there). The Clinton pogrom against gun owners had pissed them off enough that they, many of them blue-collar Democrats who liked the Clinton economy, had voted for Bush in droves.

    Since then, the Democrats have laid off this issue, because they know that its hugely unpopular. And in fact, gun control is becoming less and less popular as time goes by. See, you are like a hippie who emerged from a commune in the mid-Eighties and couldn’t believe that global society wasn’t yet based completely on LSD. You left the country when gun control was on the upswing, and can’t quite wrap your mind around the fact that it’s over now. Finis. You lost, insert your quarter and lose again. Gun control is gone and it’s not coming back, funeral this Wednesday at the local Unitarian church.

    So, if there are two things for you to take home with you, Mikey, they are: (1) we are far more intelligent than you are, and won’t get sucked into a choice between bravely suicidal resistance and craven surrender; and (2) your side LOST.

    Game over.

  4. Mikeb302000, why are you here haranguing self-defense rights advocates instead of helping with identification of and outreach towards the suicidal? After all, the majority of tragic, senseless firearm deaths every year in the usa are male suicides. And lowering the suicide rate would most likely have positive secondary effects on murder-suicides as well as other crimes. And best of all, you could probably get self-defense advocates to help you with such good works, instead of both sides wasting valuable time, money, and other resources on mutual opposition as is the case now.

    If you’re so much better than they are, shouldn’t you therefore be the one to extend a hand first?

  5. “There are two classes of people: the armed and the victims.”

    There is also a third class: Those that aren’t armed and aren’t victims. There are lots of people who aren’t victims (because they’ve never been the target of a crime) and they aren’t armed.

  6. “Since then, the Democrats have laid off this issue, because they know that its hugely unpopular.”

    Something that has been largely left out of the analysis of the last election: Barbara Boxer ran on upholding the AWB and she WON! She actually had TV commercials that mentioned it which struck me as kind of weird because Fiorina’s commercials didn’t mention guns at all.

  7. Yeah, ubu, we’re aware that the Pyrite State is a special case. It’s pretty funny that you mentioned that, considering that in my last post I used the hypothetical example of an acidhead just out of a commune, when you just elected one as your governor. Anyway, you’ve noticed that no one moves INTO California any more, right? In fact, much of the Democrat Party’s strategy these days depends on lefties leaving the mess they created in CA and taking their votes to more conservative states. To put it differently, your state is much like a bursting pustule infecting the surrounding flesh.

  8. Mikeb, I daydream about more than what I would do if Government came for my guns. I also daydream about what I would do if they came for my innocent neighbors; I daydream about what I would do if a burglar broke into my home late at night; I daydream about what I would do in the midst of riots, to try to secure my home and my family; I daydream about what I would do if the brake shop caught on fire, and the exit was blocked; I daydream about what I would do if Revolution broke out, and I had to defend the city; I daydream about what I would do if Revolution broke out, and I had to head for the hills.

    Heck, I even daydream about what I would do if inflation became unbearable, and I had to leave my home!

    Mikeb, it’s important to go through all sorts of scenarios in your head, so that you could have an inkling of preparation when such a scenario happens–and you are then more likely to do the right thing. It is sometimes the difference between a survivor and a victim.

    Of course, sometimes a fantasy can get carried away…and that’s the difference between a survivor and a mall ninja.

  9. Uu52, why are you here haranguing self-defense rights advocates instead of helping with identification of and outreach towards the suicidal? After all, the majority of tragic, senseless firearm deaths every year in the usa are male suicides. And lowering the suicide rate would most likely have positive secondary effects on murder-suicides as well as other crimes. And best of all, you could probably get self-defense advocates to help you with such good works, instead of both sides wasting valuable time, money, and other resources on mutual opposition as is the case now.

    If you’re so much better than they are, shouldn’t you therefore be the one to extend a hand first?

  10. I think our two token leftists either fail to understand the all-encompassing nature of the quote, or they’re intestinally limiting their responses. The left’s entire justification for existence is that there are victims, and that only the government can make amends for all the victimization. The poor are victims, women are victims, minorities are victims, people in other countries are victims of the fact that we have borders to ours, the jihadists are victims… hell, the entire world population, and the planet itself, are all victims of America and American productivity and prosperity. Even rich Americans are victims – of their own stupidity and greed, etc., and it is up to the “smart” and “compassionate” left to fix everything. The ideals of Liberty of course get in their way at every turn (that would be us – the knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who parrot the blitherings of those old, dead, white, slave-owning, tax dodging Founders of America). That was the point. Joe got it immediately, but the token lefties are fixated on whichever minutiae they can cling to so as to appear more thoughtful.

    Smoke and mirrors. The whole ball of wax that is the leftist movement in all its forms, relies on smoke and mirrors, and the spread of doubt, mistrust, chaos, and hate. The means of combating it are self-sufficiency, education, productivity, communication. Like cockroaches scurrying for the woodwork when you turn on the lights, the left can’t handle being exposed.

    Lead by being true to the ideals of liberty, and others will follow. that’s what the left can’t understand – it “leads” by pointing fingers of blame and accusation, crying “wolf” at every gathering, and trying to spread chaos, taking advantage of weakness. That’s all it has – all it’s ever had. Who’s inspired by that?

  11. MikeB302000,

    How was it you arrived at that conclusion? What was the method by which you determined your statement was true or false?

    I concluded your statement was false by the following means:

    1) The people gun rights advocates claim are heroes are those that accomplish things such as successfully defending innocent life. That is–not being a victim.
    2) The people of the anti-gun crowd who get the attention are the victims. Even incompetent victims by proxy are given positions on the board of directors.
    3) The pro-gun side teaches how to not be become a victim. Even those that claim imminent danger from “Jack Booted Thugs” advocate resistance and successfully overcoming the anticipated attack.
    4) The NRA even has a class–Refuse to Be a Victim. What does the Brady Campaign have to match that?

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