
No doubt, on this Labor Day, you all are sitting at home contemplating and discussing with your children the Bolshevik Revolution, the writings of Karl Marx and Sol Alinski, studying the Cuban Revolution, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the wisdom of Che Guevara, and reinforcing your solidarity with the proletariat, wishing for a Labor uprising in the U.S.A. that would crush the tyranny of capitalism and lead to one big, world-wide labor union.


3 thoughts on “Solidarity

  1. Nice to see they’re starting small trying to unionize Jimmy Johns employees.

    To quote their mascot (Otto from the Simpsons): “Whoaaa duuuuuuuuude”

  2. How did you guess? That is just what we did. Oh, and we shot some guns, destroyed some targets and had warm chocolate chip cookies. Pretty good day.

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