Quote of the day–Jeff Knox

On July 29th, the new constitutional carry law in Arizona went into effect, removing all requirements that a lawful gun owner obtain permission of the state before carrying a firearm concealed.

Just as the folks from the Brady Center Against Guns and the Violence Policy Center had predicted, virtually everyone in the state has either been killed or seriously injured by gunfire in the ensuing two weeks, and drug and outlaw biker gangs are running rampant, since the police can no longer ticket them for unlicensed carry of concealed weapons.

In other news: Dewey defeats Truman, Elvis Presley is alive and Martian spacecraft have attacked New York.

Jeff Knox
August 19, 2010
‘Arizona reverts to Wild West! Blood runs in streets!’
[Yes, there is some exaggeration of the anti-gun position on constitutional carry in this commentary. But what isn’t an exaggeration is Jeff’s article is that any changes in the crime or accidental injury rate are not visible at a glance. And, almost for certain, even after a year or more any crime increase attributable to the changes in the law will be non-existent.

It boils down to people intent on committing violent crimes largely ignore laws restricting the carrying of weapons. The firearms restrictions were only obeyed by people who were no threat to society.

So, you have to ask, “What is the real reason for gun control laws?”–Joe]


6 thoughts on “Quote of the day–Jeff Knox

  1. outlaw biker gangs are running rampant

    Sounds like a fun party. Maybe I’ll relocate.

  2. That’s a very funny quote. “virtually everyone in the state has either been killed or seriously injured by gunfire in the ensuing two weeks.”

    It’s really funny when you guys exaggerate what the other side really says.

  3. It’s really funny when you guys exaggerate what the other side really says.

    And it’s okay when you do it?

  4. It’s really funny when you guys exaggerate what the other side really says.

    And it’s okay when you do it?

    Of course it is. Because he’s doing it for The Cause, presenting it as fact for the purpose of misleading people. We’re just doing it as blatantly obvious exaggeration for purposes of sarcasm and snark to illustrate a point. It’s just wrong to do that.~

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