Gun cartoon of the day

The artist thinks the votes of 4 million members and millions more that own (and vote) guns have nothing to do with the support of politicians for the NRA agenda? And no politician supports the Bill of Rights without fear of being shot or encouraged by campaign donations?


3 thoughts on “Gun cartoon of the day

  1. “And no politician supports the Bill of Rights without fear of being shot or encouraged by campaign donations?”

    Pretty much, yeah. That’s what the first two amendments are FOR.

  2. Delightful.

    Oddly, they left out of the Usual NRA Suspects lineup all of us hourglass-shaped, no-corset-needing, skilled, IQ in the upper 180s, geek babes. Of all genders.

    I mean, that’s the kind of NRA member I hang out the most with.

    Imagine all three of the gun-toters being depicted as black, and then what a viciously racist/classist cartoon this is becomes evident.

  3. I saw that cartoon and instantly recognized it as a Bagley.
    I don’t subscribe to either of the local bird-cage-liners, but I do happen to see one once in awhile, and see his op-ed pieces.
    They haven’t improved with time.

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