Boomershoot 2010 to be on T.V.

As others have noted Michael Bane has announced he and his film crew will be attending Boomershoot 2010. I’ve known about it since mid-October when he sent me an email that said, in part:

I want to give you a heads up…I would like to film Boomershoot 2010, if it works for you. It would either be for my flagship, SHOOTING GALLERY, or for a new show I have in the works under the working title of AMERICA SHOOTS! You’d rather have it be AMERICA SHOOTS! because it will be hosted by the hysterically funny an spectacularly beautiful Katie Rowe, a professional stuntwoman and obsessive shooter.

Again, if it works for you, I’d like to put together some live coverage on DOWN RANGE (

I held back on announcing it because I wanted to the plans to be a little more firm.

I don’t know his exact schedule yet but I’m hoping he will cover the target making on Saturday too.


2 thoughts on “Boomershoot 2010 to be on T.V.

  1. In a word, no.

    They got lots of film but only spent a little time editing it. The last time I heard had not gotten it in good enough shape to present it to anyone.

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