I love the headline

The headline reads, “Sen. Murray`s Anti-Gun Bigotry Shows in Amtrak Debate, Says CCRKBA.” The news release goes on to say:

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) is once again demonstrating her disdain for gun
owners and their rights by opposing an amendment to her Amtrak funding
legislation that would allow firearms to be carried in baggage aboard trains,
the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“Patty Murray evidently has a short memory span,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan
Gottlieb. “Has she already forgotten what happened to her friend, Seattle Mayor
Greg Nickels, in the primary because of his extremist anti-gun philosophy?
Surely she knows about Tuesday`s primary election results in New York City,
where anti-gunner Richard Aborn came in last in a three-way race for Manhattan
prosecutor by running on his gun control record.”

Murray is opposing an amendment, added to her Amtrak bill by Sen. Roger Wicker
(R-MS), that would allow train travelers to transport firearms in their luggage,
provided the guns are declared at check-in and they are locked up for transport.
This is no different than flying with firearms, Gottlieb noted, “and people do
that every day.”

“The amendment passed 68-30,” Gottlieb noted, “and Murray`s opposition shows she
is way out of the mainstream on this issue. Even Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid supports the measure. People used to take firearms on trains all the time.
Someone should tell the senator that constitutional rights don`t end at the
Amtrak boarding platform.”

Murray argues that the amendment would be too costly and time-consuming, because
Amtrak would have to create a process for checking and tracking guns.

“That`s a bogus argument,” Gottlieb countered, “and she knows it. The
Transportation Security Administration already has that process down pat. There
is no need to reinvent the wheel. That option has apparently not occurred to
her, or maybe it has and she just can`t get beyond her narrow gun prohibitionist

“Amtrak has been losing money for years,” Gottlieb concluded. “Maybe it`s
because American gun owners won`t travel with a carrier that treats them like
outcasts. Maybe gun owners will return that sentiment when Murray runs for
re-election next year.”

Although she is considered the one of the “dullest knives in the drawer” (see also here for possible euphemisms) she hasn’t had much trouble getting relected and this vote against gun owners probably won’t be all that detrimental either. But it’s nice to remind her and others that we are not happy with her and if someone else were to be a little more tolerant of diversity we would probably give them our support.


2 thoughts on “I love the headline

  1. Great headline. That’s a step in the right direction. One could assert, and with some credibility, that you had a hand in it.

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