It’s not about safety

It’s not about safety. They want our culture eradicated. They even say so:

Mr Ahern says the legislation is designed to halt the emergence of a gun culture in Ireland.


5 thoughts on “It’s not about safety

  1. Let’s try that sentence a few different ways:

    “Mr Ahern says the legislation is designed to halt the emergence of a black culture in Ireland.”

    Oops! That’s not going to fly.

    “Mr Ahern says the legislation is designed to halt the emergence of a Protestant culture in Ireland.”

    Back on that now are you?

    “Mr Ahern says the legislation is designed to halt the emergence of a homosexual culture in Ireland.”

    Was that a brick through the window just then? Are those sequins on it?

    “Mr Ahern says the legislation is designed to halt the emergence of a gun culture in Ireland.”

    Oh, that’s all good then.

  2. They already have a gun culture in Ireland, among criminals. What they fear then is a gun culture among the law-abiding. Can you say “cultural hygiene”?

  3. “Mr Ahern says the legislation is designed to halt the emergence of a gun culture in Ireland.”

    We wouldn’t want the peasants to start getting too uppity, would we?

  4. Time to hide what you’ve got, and NEVER, NEVER, admit that you ever even had it in the first place.
    As for any registration, F**k ’em if they can’t take a joke. Not only NO, but H**L NO.

  5. And I’m sure that all the IRA boyos will be digging up their ARs and AKs and Thompsons and Colts and Webleys and turning them in the Guardia… Yeah, suuurrrre, riiight.

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