Boomershoot 2009 photos

David has been posting a lot of really nice Boomershoot 2009 photos recently, Matthew has one here and here, and now Xenia has posted a couple as well.

I really like this one:

Failed fireball.
From Xenia’s Live Journal but taken by her sister Kim.

It gives me some clues as to what went wrong with the fireball target this year. It looks like, as Ry reported privately to me a month ago, that half or more of the explosives failed to detonate. I know we had a problem with the targets made on Saturday. There were way too many targets on the hillside with solid hits in them that failed to detonate. Every single one of them was made on Saturday. I think the explosives were packed too tight. I need to maintain better quality control.


5 thoughts on “Boomershoot 2009 photos

  1. I view your site with Firefox and invariably every time there are photographs involved I have to scroll half way down the page to see the first one. Everything in the body is blank but there are the sidebar items. Works just fine in IE btw… Any idea as to whats up with the code on that?

  2. No I don’t. I never use Firefox.

    It could be that I can fix it with the way I post the pictures. Try it again. Is it any better?

  3. 1. I’m using Firefox, and have had no troubles at all.

    2. When I need something to catch fire in conjunction with an explosion, I add a small amount of Titanium chips from the hacksaw to the powder. This adds white “stars” to the explosion to ignite the fuel. I can’t say how well this might work with “boomerite”, obviously some testing is indicated. 🙂

  4. We’ve successfully used titanium before. But road flares a few feet away work better.

    The problem here was something different than the usual ignition problem.

  5. Hiya,

    No, same issue. Scroll half way down before I see the first picture.
    I’ll just use IE for your site, works the same and its no problem.

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