Quote of the day–Paul Helmke

As someone who had received death threats and been called a “dictator” because of other government issues, I knew that there were a lot of people who I did not want to see carrying guns into city meetings and the offices of city employees.

These incidents all highlight the tensions involved when individuals argue that their “personal liberty” outweighs the rule of law and trumps community policy as decided by our governmental systems.

Paul Helmke
“Suicide Shooters” – Going To “War” With Government
7:36 pm on February 8, 2008
[“Personal liberty” is trumped by community policy? Translating to more recognizable terms:

No wonder they have comments turned off on their blog.

H/T to Sebastian.–Joe]


2 thoughts on “Quote of the day–Paul Helmke

  1. “…I knew that there were a lot of people who I did not want to see carrying guns into city meetings and the offices of city employees.”

    Seems an easier, and better, solution would be for city employees to not do stuff that would cause someone to want to shoot them. Maybe that’s just the engineer in me coming out though.

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