Just give them what they want

Tam points us to an excellent essay by Marko. Parts of his post reminded me of two quotes (previously posted here and here) from Greg Hamilton (founder and Chief Instructor at Insights):

Some police are advising people to just comply with a mugger/rapists demands in hopes of not getting hurt.  The next time someone does that I’m going up to him and start taking down his pants. When he asks what I doing I’m going to tell him I’m raping him and he should follow his own advice and submit so he doesn’t get hurt.

Greg Hamilton
Self Defense Instructor
February 6, 1999


Think of the handgun as a behavior modifier.  If someone is threatening you, you can use the handgun to modify their behavior…

This is the universal hand signal for GO AWAY!  (Holds handgun in firing position.)

Ninety times out of a hundred it will work.  If not, then you may have to give them the universal hand signal for LIE DOWN!  (Holds handgun in firing position and repeatedly pulls trigger.)

Greg Hamilton
Self Defense Instructor
Nov. 19, 1995
