Quote of the day–Kim Griffis

Where the Clearwater River wanders through the hillsides, you’ll find Joe Huffman planting his father’s fields with a thousand pounds of explosives.

Kim Griffis
KING 5 Evening Magazine (complete with video)
[What timing! I made room for 12 more teams last night then tonight they showed the video again. I then got a phone call and four emails. It was originally made at Boomershoot 2005. They keep replaying it and have a different voice over than the original. I pretty sure Kim Griffis wrote the original script and I know she narrated it. Now they have someone else narrating with at least one very minor tweak to the script.–Joe]


One thought on “Quote of the day–Kim Griffis

  1. joe, this is marvelous. it’s incredibly rare for a news station to re-run a story, let alone *three* years in a row. damn. that’s exceptional coverage.

    were you to have paid for advertising on the station instead of free media coverage, it would’ve cost you thousands of dollars.

    this is great news.

    makes me feel better ‘cuz i can’t do any boomershoot pr this year, nor can i appear at the shoot due to medical matters. 🙁

    if you feel frustrated about the pnnl felons, just think of this positive coverage, and how many people support all the good that you do.

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