Christmas update

Nothing new on the PNNL front just a report on our activities.

Xenia reported on her view of things. She took in a goodly amount of stuff.

We went to my parents place for Christmas Eve where we had very white Christmas Eve including some snow drifts that were probably eight to ten inches deep in places on the county road. There was a snow drift in our driveway too but not a big deal. It was starting to rain when we came back to Moscow and by the middle of Christmas day most of the snow was gone. We had a nice time with all the visitors. Daughter Kim and her fiancée loved the new laptop computer we bought them. Sara has been staying with us and went to my parents place as well as being with us on Christmas Day. Barb’s sister Nancy and her family were here too. Nancy likes to make funny faces and I told her the picture below was was going to be on the Internet in ten minutes. Barb said, “No!” So instead of ten minutes I waited 48 hours.


Here is another picture of Nancy. This time with Barb while they are in deep concentration in a game they were playing:


This is Caleb and Kim with our bare backyard in the background
