Xenia’s porn pictures

When Barb and I came home from running some errands yesterday we found Xenia and a couple of her friends on the roof of the house.  Xenia was taking pictures of them in their porn prom dresses.  She posted the pictures here.  I think she is going to be a fine lesbian porn photographer.  I’m so proud.


2 thoughts on “Xenia’s porn pictures

  1. Only in Idaho will you find girls in prom dresses climbing trees and on the roofs of houses… 🙂

    And I can see that same conversation being played out with me and my daughter. If I ever have a daughter…

    Are you keeping track of how many click throughs this one gets, too?

  2. Yes. Tracking the click throughs is part of the blog software. As expected the click throughs are high for the links on this post. One has 5X the norm the other has 9X.

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