Kim’s Horizon Air interview

Daughter Kim called about 30 minutes ago.  The interview went well.  She said she was really nervous though.  I used to go through that airport twice a week for several years. Barb had told me Sarah had called to talk to Kim and I remember Sarah.  I wasn’t sure if she would remember me though.  It’s been four years (almost to the day) since I last went through there.  I remember chatting with Sarah at the ticket counter just before I left for Seattle.  I said the computer business was sort of shaky right then and I could get laid off any time.  She told me to let her know if I needed a job.  I smiled and laughed.  I was laid off the next day and I haven’t been back through that airport since.  Barb related this story to Kim last night when she went shopping with Kim for some clothes to wear to the interview.

One of the first things Sarah and Kim talked about was me.  Sarah wondered how I was doing.  She wondered if Kim was my daughter and figured it must be so when she saw the email address (Kim used as the domain).  Kim brought Sarah up to speed on where I was working and why I wasn’t going through the airport twice a week anymore.  They are interviewing 10 people and will be hiring two.  The odds aren’t too bad.  I figure Kim has a 50-50 chance considering her looks and her personality.  Kim is still very, very excited.  I’m happy for her.
