Quote of the day–Joe Huffman

As with some other things that are beyond what our ape-like evolution prepared us for, explosions are, at some level, very odd and curious things. Our brains are programmed to pay special attention to strange and unusual things — ‘magic’ things. Explosions invoke that curiosity of magic in our brains. A gun with its ‘action at a distance’ capability is a magic tool. But at long distances there typically isn’t the immediate confirmation that something really happened ‘out there’. I change that. By creating a sort of Walt Disney-like world where ‘magic’ happens, I give the shooter an escape from reality. This is a Magic Kingdom for long range shooters. For one day I give them the keys to the Kingdom where they get to perform their own magic.

Joe Huffman
March 26, 2002
When asked, “Why does the average Boomershoot participant attend the shoot?”

More Boomershoot blogging

Analog Kid at Random Nuclear Strike posts about  “Senor Mollbot” at What Hath I Wrought picking up his new rifle to be used at Boomershoot 2005.  They are shooting partners for the event and sent in their entry for the May 2005 event in late July of 2004–the very first entry I received.  I won’t go into the details on all mishaps that happened with their check (some my fault, some Analog Kid’s).  And also note there is a Boomershoot 2005 banner up over there.

Then Kirk over at Limpidity.org says his entry is “in the mail”, he has his hotel reserved, and is in the process of getting his airplane tickets.  There is also a Boomershoot banner and link up on his site for which I am very grateful.

I also would like to note that all three of these guys are buying/building new rifles for Boomershoot 2005.  It looks like my secret plan is working…